Stories, Messages, and Inspiration
I have learned so much, and I keep learning every day. I bring joy to my life on a daily basis, and make sure I’m surrounded by like-minded people. I have a mission to pursue happiness, and to receive it. I know that everyone can bring these feelings into their heart, and I want to be there to support them as they do this. Life can be challenging, but it’s possible to find your own strength and rise above the challenges — this is what I’m here to teach.
Why Stress Is Dangerous for Your Body
Stress can cause serious health consequences, especially when it is sustained over time, or chronic.
My Daily Routine
An established daily routine is key to healing and should be incorporated in your treatment protocols. Routines can be powerful as they set your daily habits and reinforce the intention to heal your mind, body and soul. When you are sick, with so many overwhelming uncertainties, a daily routine helps with anxiety because it puts control back in your court.
Journal Exercise: Remember When Your Belief Manifested
Journaling is an important tool to reinforce your beliefs and cleanse your mind of negative thoughts. It is a practice that empowers you to feel safe to ask yourself daily questions that will lead you to live life more consciously.
Journal Exercise: Writing Your Eulogy
Writing your eulogy is an opportunity to consider how you are affecting other people. When faced with your mortality, you naturally start to wonder what people will say about you when you pass away.
Cooking with Olive Oil
Olive oil has so many health benefits, but you must educate yourself on which one to buy and for what usage.
Sugar in Disguise
Beware of these sweeteners! Yes, some are low-glycemic, meaning they will not spike your blood sugar, but nonetheless, your body knows them as sugar. Let’s not give the cancer cell what it needs to grow—sugar!
When Should You Buy Organic?
Making the right food choices is not just about whether to pick a fruit over a donut, but also making sure that you know where and how your food is being grown.
What Makes Eating Out Unhealthy
By purchasing your own ingredients and cooking at home, you know exactly what you are putting into your body.
Journal Exercise: Evaluate Your Lifestyle
Many of us experience chronic inflammation, anxiety, depression, and other ailments—all of which can contribute to or exacerbate more serious illnesses. To heal, you must identify the lifestyle sources of your chronic problems.