Author Hour feat. Veronica Villanueva

This interview was originally published on

“When Veronica Villanueva was diagnosed with stage four metastasized cancer, she was told there was no treatment and no hope. So, Veronica found her own hope outside of western medicine. Fast forward another nine months and there was no sign of cancer. Fast forward another three and a half years and Veronica is sharing with readers what she learned and practiced throughout her healing journey. Also, she shares why cancer is the best thing that ever happened to her.

Join me today as I welcome author Veronica Villanueva, author of the new book, The Grace of Cancer: Lessons in Humility and Greatness.

The Grace of Cancer: Veronica Villanueva
Author Hour

Interview Transcription

Nikki Van Noy: I’m happy to be joined today by Veronica Villanueva who is here to talk about her new book, The Grace of Cancer: Lessons in Humility and Greatness. Veronica, thank you so much for joining us today.

Veronica Villanueva: Well, thank you for having me, I’m so excited to talk about my book and my experience and share it with you and everyone else who is listening.

Nikki Van Noy: I absolutely am too. Let’s dive right into the meat of this here and talk to me about why it was so important for you to write this book and to share what you’ve taken away from your own journey with cancer?

Veronica Villanueva: Well, wow, this is happening too soon. I’m getting emotional. Well, I really believe when people heal themselves, it becomes then a responsibility for them to heal other people. Cancer is not the flu, it’s a mean disease and it took a lot from me to heal myself. So, because I’m still here alive, even though several doctors have told me that I would not be here, I really felt that when I figured out what I needed to do to be thriving the way I am today, that I’ve been given this new life, a new enlightened life, and a happier life. I really feel like this has been a gift and I have to share it with other people to give them the hope that cancer does not have to be a death sentence.

I’m here, alive, to show you and to prove to you. We have to share our story and mine is I have healed myself. I have the responsibility and now my mission is to help other people heal themselves.

Nikki Van Noy: I am so happy to see people like you writing books. My dad actually is in the midst of a battle with stage four cancer, right now. We have no history of cancer in our family. As much as I’ve always known, obviously, we all do, how pervasive cancer is and what a tricky battle it is, I did not understand before my family started going through it, how few answers there are. I know there’s not a cure for cancer, but I think I had this expectation that it was more of a straight-forward process than it seems like it actually is.

Veronica Villanueva: Yeah, well, unless you’re going through the disease, you really don’t understand what it is and what you can do. That’s why I always tell people that I talk to with the disease that the first thing you need to do is really understand the disease, what kind of cancer it is. But don’t listen to the prognosis because that’s going to have a huge impact on your healing or not healing at all.

There is an epidemic of cancer. The last statistics I saw just this week, it’s one out of two. That’s going to get worse. The type of cancer I had is not only stage four metastatic where it metastasized all over my upper body, but it was also labeled incurable. I don’t really know what that means, I do know what the word incurable means, but it’s like receiving two death sentences in one disease.

They didn’t quite understand what it was and how I got it because I’m not a smoker. All I knew is I went to the hospital because I couldn’t breathe, and they discovered 1.6 litres of fluid in my right lung. I had fluids up to my collar bone, just to give you an idea. They were surprised that my lung didn’t collapse, nor did I have a heart attack. Thank God I had such a strong body that really supported all that fluid in my right lung.

To answer your question or what you said, it’s so true, there is very little information out there. Again, if you’re just relying on western medicine, western oncologists, to help you figure out your disease, I think that is very dangerous. Because there are alternative things that you can do. In my case, I wasn’t qualified to do chemo or radiation after they drained my fluids. The thoracic surgeon told my daughters that I wasn’t qualified to do any radiation or chemo.

So, now in hindsight, that’s such a huge blessing, not that I would have been tempted to do that, but it also meant the severity of it. There’s nothing else we can do for your mom, basically, we were waiting for me to not be here. I can’t even say the word, I don’t want to say the word. I’m very careful about what words I use and what words I think because that programs your body.

“I’m Not Going Anywhere”

Nikki Van Noy: I would love to talk about the emotional impact of being told that you have something that isn’t curable. What was that moment like for you and where did you go from there?

Veronica Villanueva: Well Nikki, I cried more about this disease while writing my book than when I was given the prognosis and the diagnosis. I don’t know where I found that strength. When I received the news, and there was more than one doctor telling me that I had stage four cancer, I couldn’t cry, I couldn’t even breathe. Crying, I couldn’t even do.

I just went into this mode of, “I’m not going anywhere,” I remember telling myself. I’m too good of a person to not be part of this world. I just started really holding on to those words and I saw in the eyes of the doctors that they felt sorry for me. They were trying to explain my disease in so many different ways, and the bottom line was they were basically telling me that they didn’t know what to do to help me. I kept saying, “Let’s cure this, what can we do to cure this?”

They kept saying to me, “I’m so sorry, but there’s no cure for the kind of cancer you have.” And then I said, “Then you’re fired.”

Nikki Van Noy: I love that.

Veronica Villanueva: “Then you can’t be my doctor because I’m going to cure this. There is no way I’m not going to be…” I remember telling the doctors, “Look outside at that blue sky,” I said, “That world that I love so much. I mean, it’s a better world with me in it than without me. And you don’t know who you’re dealing with, I’m a badass.”

Nikki Van Noy: Amazing.

Veronica Villanueva: I had to say that, it wasn’t even so much for them, it was more for me. I had to really believe and own those words that I wasn’t going to go anywhere.

Nikki Van Noy: I’m trying to put myself in your shoes, which is just impossible, I mean, this is such a unique situation. Was it easy, I don’t know if easy is the word I want to use, but were you able to stay in that place? In your fight that ensued of remaining lined in on, “I am going to be okay, I will cure myself.”

Veronica Villanueva: You know, it’s really strange because again, while I was writing the book was hard. Because while I was healing myself, I was not at all with any emotions, I was working. I took it on as you have a job to do here and a very important job and I’m really good at focusing. So, I stayed focused and I kept telling myself that I’m a good person, that this is a gift, that this is not karma, because I don’t believe in karma, otherwise we would all be paying.

Nikki Van Noy: I don’t know what you’re talking about but –

Veronica Villanueva: I mean, nobody is that good. So, you know, karma, that’s for everyone. It’s not about karma, it’s just believing that I’m meant to have this, and I have to find out why. What it is that I have to do beyond to heal myself. That’s when I realized, oh my God, this is like one of the biggest compliments that I can be given to believe that I have the strength to go through something so horrific. But in the end, to be rewarded with such an incredible life right now and that’s why I had to name my book The Grace of Cancer.

Actually, what I wanted to name my book, was too long. I wanted to name it Cancer Was the Best Thing that Happened to Me. Because I really believe that, and some of my friends even corrected me and said, “Don’t say that.” I said, “It’s true you guys.” I know it’s really hard for a lot of the people around me and I’m sure you can now relate to that because you have a father who is going through the disease and I’m so sorry that he is. You have to get my book for him.

Nikki Van Noy: I’ve got it.

Veronica Villanueva: I had to really stay focused and thank God, that’s what I’m saying about being given the strength. Because during the time that I was researching the disease, I was just very matter of fact. I just kept doing things so that every day I was moving forward. Then when I wrote the book, is when all the emotions came out. I don’t even remember really crying during the process but while I was writing on the book, I was crying a lot.

Nikki Van Noy: It reminds me a little bit of the grieving process and how oftentimes, people in those early months, it’s almost like there’s a blanket over them and they’re doing their own sort of work. Just like you were talking about, being focused and understanding that your job was to cure this. And then, later on, the emotion sets in, it reminds me of that, a little bit.

Veronica Villanueva: Yeah, well, also, not only to cure it. Because nobody, even my doctors, can’t use that word. But more to give myself hope. Because nobody else was giving me hope. I had to give myself that hope, I had to really look from within to say, you’re going to do this because everywhere I turned, no one was giving me any hope.

They were just telling me that I’m not going to be here in less than six months unless I ate and gained weight because I had lost so much weight. I found, through my research, the hope that I needed and that’s why this book is so special to me because I wrote the book in the hope that didn’t exist when I was diagnosed.

This has nothing to do with having an ego, I say this with such humility, but being alive and talking to you right now, this is hope for many people. I am hope for many people. I wish I knew someone that gave me that hope when I was diagnosed. I wish the book that I wrote also existed during that time. It was hard but you know, you have to do what you have to do. If you want to live, you have to do everything and anything.

Nikki Van Noy: What I love about this book is that not only are you giving people hope but you’re also giving them practical information through what you learned and what healed you. So, I would love you to share some of the bigger elements of your healing journey and what worked for you outside of chemo and radiation and all of those things we are familiar with it.


Veronica Villanueva: Yes, well, first and foremost, I think the mindset is so important. You have to want to be alive. If you really want to be alive and you believe that, you’re ready to do everything and anything. But you can‘t begin to do any of the treatments, the natural treatments, any change in your behavior, any change in your lifestyle unless again, you want to be alive.

Because I wanted to be alive and I wanted to get well again, as I said, I did my research. Thank God I’m a chef and I was trained at Cordon Bleu in Paris. I just turned to the diet first, to food, and I stopped eating sugar almost immediately. I eliminated all animal proteins and that was hard because the doctor was saying, “You’re not going to pass away from cancer. You’ll pass away from starving.” Because cancer had eaten all my muscles away.

I had to not only eat all these vegetables, which I don’t mind because I love vegetables. I had to change my diet, I had to get plenty of sleep. I also thank God I was introduced to cannabis, which I had never used before and that really helped me and I think that really calmed me down and it helped with my sleep and helped with the pain.

I also met my integrative doctor, my naturopathic doctor, who introduced me to IV’s–high dose vitamin C’s and ozone therapy and mistletoe shots. All these natural therapies. The more I did things, the more I felt I had more hope, the more I felt like nothing was going to happen to me, that I was going to be alive.

I started to feel better and it was really about self-love. You have to do everything you can to start feeling well again. And that includes even the people that you surround yourself with, people that believe in what you’re trying to do. Not people who look at you and doubt you because you can see that, and I didn’t want to be around anyone or anything that would create any doubt in my mind.

It’s hard enough to give yourself the strength to continue to be committed and to feel that, “Okay, I can do this.” Yeah, there’s a lot of things that you need to know, it’s a whole lifestyle. I mean, from A to Z, from the way I live, from what I feed my mind, what I feed my body, and who I hang around with. It’s A to Z. There are no shortcuts and actually, I’m so glad I had gone through all of that because in the end, you have this transformed life and it’s so much simpler and so much happier. I’ve gotten such a clarity on what’s important in life.

Nikki Van Noy: As I am flipping through your book, first of all, for listeners, there’s so much practical advice in here. You’ve done a beautiful job of organizing this and it’s also very clear how your background as a chef played into a lot of this information too.

But as I’m reading this, it’s occurring to me that obviously, there is the obvious audience of cancer patients and their loved ones who can learn from this information about some alternative ways of healing. It also strikes me that this is great information for everyone to have in order to incorporate some of these practices into their lifestyle. So that hopefully, they can completely circumnavigate being in a position like yours.

Veronica Villanueva: Absolutely. I’m asked that question in so many ways because you know, people ask me, “So, is this book just about cancer?” I said, “No, this book is about how to actually live a healthy life.” That’s from the mind, your body, your heart because that’s what gets us sick.

The cancer I had is not genetics, it’s not genetically induced, it is lifestyle induced. I was so stressed–I was going through a really bad divorce and my ex-husband had turned the kids against me and I was just so devastated that my immune system collapsed. I didn’t eat for days. I didn’t sleep for days.

Aside from that, I stayed too long in that marriage and that made me sick because I was suppressing my emotions. Yes, the book is preventative. I used my experience as a woman who believed and who has been conditioned to believe that we must do these things in order to be a good wife, a good mom, a good daughter and I know that’s what got me sick.

If you can learn from me and my story of not just having the disease but maybe taking a look at your life and seeing where you’re unhappy and doing something about it so that it doesn’t breed any disease in your body. Because you know, our body keeps track of our emotions and our thoughts.

It’s been doing that for me for many, many years and the result is the disease. This book, I wrote for people who have the disease, but as well as people who wake up and are sleepwalking through your life. Everyone is so stressed, and everyone thinks that they’re invincible, that they’re not going to get any disease.

I certainly am guilty of that because I was really healthy, I’ve always cooked, so it wasn’t food-related I don’t believe. But it was a lifestyle, it was my mind, it was the pure unhappiness and just this guilt that ate me up inside and that collapsed my immune system. I think that we don’t really hear a lot about preventative care.

I think this book, I wrote it not only for people with cancer but friends and family so that you can help with coping with your loved ones or whoever has the disease. But also to wake you up so that you can take a look at your life and see what’s not serving your life. Look at shat’s not making you happy and change it.

You only have one life. I even encourage everyone to write their living eulogy because why wait until you’re dying to think about what people are going to say?  What you are going to say about yourself? Why don’t you live that life now? That’s what I do, that’s how I’m living.

Nikki Van Noy: It sounds like freedom. I can clearly see how this could impact your life in wonderful ways. I’m curious, you talked about what a big factor stress played in shutting down your immune system. Talk to me a little bit about what you have done to mitigate stress, especially during that period of healing, which I would have to imagine could potentially be the most stressful of all if you allow yourself to go to that place.

Veronica Villanueva: To be honest with you, I really believe that since I took cannabis that helped calm me. I didn’t think much about the disease because again if you believe that you are not going anywhere, you are not going to focus on that. I was so focused on studying that I had no room to think about negative thoughts or things that caused me to be stressed because again, I believed I wasn’t going anywhere.

To me, I felt like I was studying. It was almost like when I sat and studied, I didn’t think I had a disease in my body. It wasn’t like I was in denial, but I think again when you prime your mind to not dwell on your diagnose and your prognosis, it didn’t stress me. I wasn’t stressed by having cancer, believe it or not.

Nikki Van Noy: Wow.

Veronica Villanueva: That is why when I was writing this book I was really affected by it because I thought as an outsider I almost had to pretend that I am Veronica’s friend who is writing her story. There were many times when I was writing that I thought, “How the hell did I do that?” And then that’s when I knew that God had been guiding me.

I was happy. I was happy during the time I had cancer. And I think my friends will confirm that. I wish I had videotaped myself, but I told everyone, “I don’t want to remember this. I don’t want any pictures.” And I wish now I did because I was really happy, not because I was stoned. I think I was just happy because I was thinking that wow.

I was just diagnosed with a disease, I wanted to make sure that I am living a really full life. I wasn’t going to allow this disease to impact whatsoever how I live my life. I was still going out, in fact, I was still working. I did a Christmas event as a chef. So, I kept living, in fact even more.

I think that replaced the stress and I just knew that I couldn’t be stressed. Even arguing with the doctors or trying to persuade them because my daughter told my oncologist, “How is she going to gain weight when she has eliminated animal protein from her diet, eliminated sugar from her diet, how is she going to gain weight?” I thought to myself, “Veronica, this is the very first lesson that you are going to learn, silence. Because you don’t need to exert your energy in trying to convince people, including your daughters, what you need to do to heal yourself.”

That’s when I thought I am just going to do it. I am not going to tell anybody what my plan is, not that I have a plan, but you know I just knew that I wasn’t going to spend my time trying to convince people to justify my actions. The disease is in my body, it’s my body and ultimately it is my problem, right? It is my disease.

Nikki Van Noy: I think that is something that so many of us have lost sight of is the fact that it is our bodies and if we can really tune in, generally speaking, your body will let you know what it needs, but there are all these other answers out there. I think we have stopped, many of us, tuning in so much and look outward rather than inward.

Veronica Villanueva: Yes, because when you look inward you realize you have to work, which you become lazy. Our body doesn’t lie to us. Our body is always constantly talking to us, we just choose not to listen to it and in my book, I am telling people, “Listen.” Because those symptoms are ways for your body to tell you data about what is going on inside your body. Don’t mask any of the symptoms, thank God that they are giving you symptoms because it is the only way you’ll know that there is something not right going on in your body.

I celebrate any symptoms I get because then I know what is happening in my body. What happens is that when we mask it with medicine the problem is still there. We just now have quiet down the volume of our body talking to us. So, it becomes even more dangerous, right? So, I don’t live like that. You’re right when you quiet down and that is being still, not listening to anyone, and just taking the time and being by yourself, I hear my body.

I talk to my body all the time. I tell it what it needs to feel. I tell it all the time when I eat. I am telling my body what that food is doing to my body and that is being mindful. That is the true meaning of what being mindful, living is, is knowing everything that you do and understanding what it’s doing to you at every level. That’s mindful living and that takes time.

Nikki Van Noy: I love to talk a little bit about when you were cleared, is the correct word here, remission? I know it’s not cured.

NED: No Evidence of Disease

Veronica Villanueva: No, I am not allowed to say I am in remission because there is no cure. So basically, it is NED, no evidence of disease, and that happened June of 2017. I think nine months after.

Nikki Van Noy: Wow, nine months and you did all of that? That’s amazing.

Veronica Villanueva: Yeah, I still remember that day. I remember that day.

Nikki Van Noy: Tell me about that day.

Veronica Villanueva: I always went to get my scan results with who I consider my brother, Pete, and he’s never missed an appointment with me. We would always have lunch after and I remember when we had a clean scan and I say we because we go in both. We had lunch and I couldn’t stop crying.

That’s when I was crying and I thought, “God really wants me to have this disease so I can do something with it.” And that is when it came to me that I needed to do something outside of me. Because he’s been so kind to me for giving me the strength to be where I was at that moment, to have a clean scan that I honestly, I didn’t even think it was going to happen that quickly, but it did. And that is when I started realizing I’m meant to do something with this. I went to San Diego to my first spiritual experience ever to Caroline Myss, she had a seminar of some sort and I remember half of the stuff she was talking about I thought, “What the hell is she talking about?”

I wasn’t that spiritual. I was so left-brained and honestly by the second day I was like, “Oh my God, she is absolutely right.” You know it started making sense to me and then I remember her pulling me apart from the crowd, I am not kidding you, during the break that we had and she said, “You, I have a feeling you have a story and you need to sit right next to me and tell me about it.” I was too afraid to say no to her. I was like, “Me?”

I wanted to talk to her but everyone was talking to her and I just did not have the strength to be as assertive and aggressive as I usually am and so I didn’t. Again, God guided me and that is one of the graces. I told her what happened, and she told me, “You have to write this book. You owe it to the world.” I remember that she’s telling me this, “You owe it to the world to write this book. Other people need to know that you exist, that you’re alive. So that they can be alive too.”

I thought, “Okay,” I am thinking, “I have so much to do already, I don’t have time to write a book.” And it didn’t come to me until much later on that I really needed to write this book not for me so much but for other people. I did and I had been unstoppable since then. It was aside from getting emotional and even despite that, I really felt like I was really guided through the entire experience because I was able to get it out fairly quickly.

Nikki Van Noy: Yeah I mean the whole thing is amazing but the timeline is pretty stunning to me, I have to say.

Veronica Villanueva: Me too. I mean when I think back, it’s only been three and a half years. What I have done in three and a half years compared to my other chapters in my life, I mean holy cow, how the hell did I heal myself, continue to work, and write a book? I don’t know. I can only say it is not all me. I can’t take credit for the entire thing. I have been guided. I am not alone in this. I am really being guided and I have had so many angels along with me.

I am feeling very blessed and I am so happy. I can’t believe I am actually doing this interview about my book, my story, and I am alive to tell it. So, thank you.

Nikki Van Noy: I love that you are so aware of that, of what you are doing at the moment and I have heard that you count your blessings on this episode more times than I could count. It’s just inspiring. It is inspiring beyond the fact that you were able to heal yourself. Talk to me about how life has been different in the last three and a half years. How do you feel changed from this?

Veronica Villanueva: Well, I can tell you that now I know the difference between a reality and the reality. I think that is huge because now I feel like I am so empowered and so much in control of what I find my reality is. So, what do I mean by that? Everything that happens to me, I feel that I am so aware that I am constantly checking in with the way I feel mentally and physically and of course, my heart and that is how I live my life.

You know when you meet someone, and you spend time with them? The way I see it is how I feel when I am with you and after determines whether I am going to see you again. That’s huge because, honestly, how many of us spend so much time with people and things that do not serve us? So, I don’t do that anymore.

I am very clear about what I take into my heart and my home and I surround myself with the right people that will support me and who are aligned with my values. And Who are very much aware that the only thing we can control is our lifestyle. What we eat, what we feed our mind, what we feed our body, how we live our life–that is a full-time job as it is. And if we really take that seriously and do it well, we don’t have any time to control other people or other things in our lives. I think knowing that simplifies a lot of things in my life.

I always say, “Okay, Veronica, do you have control over that? No, okay well then I am not going to think about it.” This book, okay it can be a flop, it can be whatever. I am not attached to it. I am not relying on anybody to validate my story, my book, my life. I am not asking for anyone to agree with me. I think that’s what it is, is that I think we spend so much time trying to be accepted or that we need validation all the time because we don’t feel that we are enough.

I don’t feel that way. I just feel like I am so grateful to be alive and to live in Los Angeles where it is sunny all the time. I am good with that, you know? I am surrounded by amazing people and ever since then, I don’t really attract toxic people because they must not like me.

Nikki Van Noy: You’re repellant, you and your hope.

Veronica Villanueva: You know, I think they think I’m weird or they’re like, “Okay, she is a little spacey.”  And that is fine. That is a great filter. I don’t need them either in my life. I just think that the way I look at it I have cut out all the fat from my life that I don’t need, and it is so much simpler. Life is definitely much simpler than it was four or five years ago, at least for me. Again, it is knowing what your reality is. That reality is something that first you have to use your mind correctly to know what your reality is.

Only you know that, and you have to be truthful. It is being honest with yourself. As soon as you can do that, I mean, you’re unstoppable. People always say to me, “Aren’t you scared that it might come back?” I don’t go there. Again, it is not within, I can’t control that. If it comes back, then it comes back. I know what to do with it. It doesn’t freak me out.

People always think that, “Wow, were you afraid of dying?” And I am like, “I didn’t fight to be alive because I was afraid to die. No, not at all. I think dying is much easier.”

Are you kidding me? Compared to what I have to do, dying is so much easier. It is basically submitting to that and just saying, “Okay I am not going to be here.” Now I wanted to fight for this life because I think it is worth it. When you fight for something you earn it and that is what I do every day and every night. I talk to God and I say at night, “God, how did I live today? Did I help people?”

I think I did really well. I helped a lot of people. I was good to myself and I think I deserve another day. I ask for a day every day and I promise in the morning, “How can I serve you? How can I earn this day?” That is all I need. I just need one more day and then the next day I need another day and I show Him and everyone else around me how to live a clean life, in a way.

So it’s easy, it really is, we just complicate things. But again, you have to do the work and you have to really be able to look at yourself in the mirror and accept yourself sometimes when you are not your best and know that it’s okay. You are still learning.

Nikki Van Noy: Veronica, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me today and to share all of this so openly. Hearing you speak feels like a return to sanity. I think it’s hard not to reflect when you hear stories like yours and it makes me realize personally just how caught up I can get in stupid stuff and lose sight of the big picture. I think so many of us do and it’s such a powerful reminder.

Veronica Villanueva: Well thank you so much for taking the time to interview me, but if I can just leave you with one thing, which is I think we are all looking for the same thing, which is to be happy. I think that happiness really begins within ourselves and if you’re at peace with who you are, you bring that peace to other people. To me, that’s what being happy is, what being joyful is. And if we can all focus and try to figure out what brings us peace the world will be a better place. It really will. It is a ripple effect.

Nikki Van Noy: Absolutely.

Veronica Villanueva: So, all I am asking for, is for people to have an open mind. I think it is really important that when you want to heal that you have to open your mind to things that normally you probably would have said no to and it is a commitment. You have to be open-minded as much as you want to become healthy and you want this disease out of your body. What I am asking you in my book to do and what I have done, there is no guarantee.

I didn’t know I was going to have no evidence of disease scan after nine months, but trust me, once you start doing these things, changing your behaviors, eating healthy, basically loving your body and yourself, you will see accumulatively the results. You just start to feel better and it’s hard to not believe or to believe that you can stay sick that way. You won’t, you’ll get well. I just think that people need to hear that there are many things you can do to heal yourself really, naturally.

Nikki Van Noy: Beautifully said. Veronica, it’s such a pleasure to speak with you, the book again, is The Grace of Cancer and Veronica, where else can listeners find you?

Veronica Villanueva: I’m working on some really exciting things so my book you can buy it through Amazon, you can also find it on my website which is I’m also on social media, I just started becoming active. My Instagram is @badassbeliefcoach. I have earned that title.

Nikki Van Noy: You have. If anyone has, it’s you.

Veronica Villanueva: Actually, I didn’t give myself that title, my friends did. I’m like, “Okay, I’m going to go with it.”

Nikki Van Noy: Good for them.

Veronica Villanueva: Yes. You know, we’re also coming out with some product lines, stand by for that. I listen to people and what they need, and I also know that basically, what I really want to do is help and simplify how to become healthy. So that this way, you never experience what I’ve experienced.

I’d like to not only have my book but also create products that are going to make being healthy easier I guess. Because it is hard for many people. I hope that I can help in that, in their journey.

Nikki Van Noy: Excellent. All right Veronica, thank you so much for joining us.

Veronica Villanueva: Thank you, Nikki.


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