The Power of Basil

The power of this beautiful, aromatic herb: basil⁠.

Basil has many medicinal properties:⁠

  1. Antioxidant

  2. Anti-inflammation, especially in the digestive tract ⁠

  3. Detoxification of the body⁠

  4. Helps balance acid in the body and restores the body's pH level.⁠

  5. Anti-cancer: pancreas, colon, and breast⁠

  6. Nutrient dense especially in vitamin K ⁠

  7. Basil helps with nausea so it's great for people doing chemotherapy⁠

  8. Helps reduce memory loss due to stress and aging ⁠

  9. Reduces depression ⁠

  10. Increases mental alertness when used as aromatherapy ⁠

  11. An alternative to antibiotics for infectious diseases, including any antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria⁠

  12. Great insect repellent such as mosquitos and ticks ⁠

the power of basil - veronica villanueva

How do you store basil?⁠

Place fresh basil stems in a mason jar with a few cubes of ice water to keep the leaves fresh for a few days. Careful that your refrigerator is not too cold, the leaves could change color.⁠

Cooking tips:⁠

When cooking with fresh basil, use only the leaves and add at the end of cooking because heat can diminish the flavor and color.⁠
*If using dry basil, use only ⅓ of the amount of fresh basil⁠

Add basil to your salads:⁠

The basil used in supplements and herbal tea is holy basil — tulsi is another name for it⁠. The essence of basil is its distinct aroma and flavor.

For mental support:⁠

I use basil essential oil in my diffuser... especially when I was writing The Grace of Cancer. It helped with concentration and alertness. ⁠


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